Friday, August 6th, 2021
Riva Grill, South Lake Tahoe
There are seven (7) slips available, on a first come/first served basis according to sign up order for the Riva Grill Marina event.
We will be stopping at Chambers Landing on our way to the Riva Grill for hosted beverages for RCUSA Members and their guests.
The cost is $50 per person is for RCUSA Members and their guests. This includes your favorite beverage, appetizer, lunch, and dessert plus time with your favorite Riva Club friends and family at the Riva Grill.
There is a $15 per person cost for any non RCUSA member and their guest(s) for the Chambers Landing beverages.
For North Shore people, we will start in front of Sierra Boat Company at 9:30am SHARP.
We will continue to Tahoe City to rendezvous with Club Members there.
Then, we will head down the West Shore to rendezvous with Club Members at Obexer’s.
Enjoy mimosas at Chambers Landing and depart again by 11:00am.
Arrive at the Riva Grill by 11:30am. After lunch, depending on weather, those who wish may head to Emerald Bay for a Riva Club USA drive-by/swim.
Finally, for the after-after-party we will meet at Garwood’s.
Any Questions? Call or E-mail Dale Reynolds @ or call 925-954-1196
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